El diente de leon es hermoso pero sus pelitos apenas aguantan un suspiro.
Yo también estoy suspendida en ese instante antes que se lo lleve todo el viento.
Si es que no se lo está llevando ya. Porque irse, se va.
Hay partes de mi cuerpo que el tiempo ya lastimó. Que me sonrojan sin las muestro.
Creo que si me rindo será más fácil, si dejo que se marche ya.
Mira, ya no está.
Hicimos esta imagen en nuestro aniversario, allá por julio del año pasado. Es febrero del año siguiente, he pensado que podría publicarla antes que cumplamos 16.
Vivimos un mundo en el que “el otro” opina sobre el cuerpo de uno (sobre su vida, su sexo, su maternidad etc) como si fuera una autoridad en algo, y desde la interiorización de ese ojo externo y crítico, uno ya nunca más vuelve a relacionarse consigo igual. La mirada de amor propio se desvanece.
A medida que pasan los años y que el mundo responde a mi edad como si diera una mala noticia (no pareces tan mayor, estás...
Infinate thanks to all of you that participated in my shot in any possible way.
Photography, art direction and video edition: Sandra Torralba
Camera: Illia Torralba
Models: Iván, Mario, Mark, Andrea, Jesus y Josep.
Localización: Central de Pole
Awesome Interview for Tsquirt.com and Queef Magazine.
Needless to say I like doing what I do, so when I am interviewed for doing what I do, I am ecstatic. In this Interview I was asked new things, which made it even more compelling and exciting to write. Thank you Enrico, thank you Tsquirt.com and QueefMagazine.
Here goes the interview in English. It was published originally in Italian.
Q Hi Sandra, thanks for your precious time. We’ve been following you for a long time and we are happy to make this interview. When did you shoot your first photo? How did you feel about it?
My father gave...
I am a woman. I love men. And women. And myself. Most of the time.
My work is an ode to women that love men and women and themselves, most of the time.
To women that love themselves so much that they can freely say they love men. Or whomever. Even themselves.
I don't create images to arouse men. I am aroused by men. And women. And my own imagination.
I create images as an ode.
As an ode to living one's sexuality, embodiement and gender spectrum freely, in it's own way and speed.
To sexual desire expressed blatantly and clearly and equally received. Without shame or disguises.
To bodies....
This is an old post I have rescued from my old blogspot written on 2010...
I imagined Estranged Sex XVIII back in August 2009. I saw myself tied up like a larvae upside down, an executer next to me, observed his work. An old man had paid for the scene to happen.
I begun the process of organizing it, trying to get in touch with people who liked S&M, finding the location...
Through one of my cousins, I met the guy who later would become the executer of the picture first attempt. (not the final actor)
He was a sort of sweet and childish giant who treated me with respect and care....
Hace poco tuve un día muy activo en cuanto a fotopollas se refiere (incluya el término videopollas tb).
Por varios motivos me quedé con ellas en mente, dando lugar a lo que será una de mis proximas imagenes de Estranged sex pero también a la reflexión que sigue.
Quisiera no embarcarme en un texto que chapotee en aguas cenagosas, pero es complicado, no me saltéis a la yugular –todavía– con palabras como acoso, abuso, #metoos o empecéis a mandarme fotos de vuestras pollas sin dejar que me explique hasta el final.
Hace tiempo leí un artículo en Vice sobre las fotopollas escrito...
When I had to go to my father's empty house after he died, I knew I could only survive the experience if I released some of the pain through creating images. I sorted paperwork out during the mornings, shoot my feelings during the afternoons, and edited during the nights.
I only had a very modest laptop to edit the images so I made a deal with myself: I would shoot, edit and post the images to find release only if at a later stage I processed them properly. I did find comfort in sharing my raw creations during these days. I felt less alone and less hurt. Through the images I could not only...
I am a horrible at drawing. Let's be very clear about it. I see images in my mind, frequently super neatly, especially Estranged Sex ones or the ones which concept is clear and unequivocal. When what I want to say is so well defined then so are the images so that when I finally publish the image, there is actually no surprise for me at all.
When I work on other more emotional images, sometimes they are more blurry, more like a reverie, they invoke a feeling, so I work with the feeling during the shooting and afterwards in photoshop. When I am done there is an "Aha" moment, because I see it for the first...
I started with my project Estranged Sex back in 2008.
My life has changed, my interests, my surroundings, my style and technique has changed.
Once someone asked me when would I stop with this project. I still don't have the answer to that question, I don't know, I might as well continue until the end, but one thing is sure, and that is that the project changes with me.
I can't do what I used to do 4 years ago, it just doesn't.
And this is how Estranged Sex 28 happened. I realize that one thing that is very true for me these days is the clash between what I thought it would be and what...